The courage to be vulnerable...

Vulnerability…  that scary word we all avoid.   Just finished watching the TED talk “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene’ Brown.  It was a great reminder of how connection and vulnerability can really lead to a better life.  I grew up two different ways – my father wasn’t the most vocal of people and led by example.  He did not share a lot of his feelings and emotions but I truly believe he just didn’t know how.  My mother on the other hand was a shareaholic!  She constantly encouraged my sister and I to talk about our feelings, to embrace life and not be afraid to show emotion.  Obviously being stuck in the middle of both styles had its share of ups and downs throughout my life.  When we started #AlwaysBeContagious it was simply a platform to bring communication, energy and enthusiasm to teams, businesses and people everywhere but little did I know that this journey would allow me to dig, ponder and eventually embrace my lack of deep vulnerabilities toward myself and others.  I have realized that it is very difficult living a non-vulnerable life – I had to stop controlling and predicting and embrace connection with a willingness to do something where there are no guarantees. It’s not easy but I’m enjoying the journey more than I ever thought I would have…

The TED talk below by Brene’ gave me some great nuggets I want to share

Couragetelling the story of who you are with your whole heart 

Embracing Vulnerabilitythe willingness to do something where there are no guarantees

Numbing VulnerabilityThat if we numb vulnerability we also numb Joy, Gratitude and Happiness

ShamePeople who don’t experience it have no capacity for human empathy or connection

The result of Authenticitywilling to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were

The more afraid we arethe more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are

BlamingIs a way to discharge pain and discomfort

We all suffer from one form of vulnerability… I hope you can find the courage to embrace it fully!

To learn more how our #AlwaysBeContagious workshops can help your team grasp vulnerability and courage contact us here!