"Moving Up" May 28th - professional coaching development - sign up today!
Its less than 8 days till our second annual “Moving Up” workshop! We have a few spots available and we would love to have you or anyone from your staff there!
"Moving Up" workshop - a one-of-a-kind interactive workshop on Saturday May 28th from 9AM – 4PM at Duke University with a coaches roundtable on the morning of May 29th. Last year we had 40 attendees from 10 different states and 19 different colleges and universities!
This workshop is designed to help current coaches or ones who want to get into coaching move up in their career! Instead of the traditional lecture style workshop we will be very interactive and will incorporate many improv activities in order to promote conversation and improve the ability to speak with others! The one skill that is not touched on at other workshops is the ability to communicate effectively. Building relationships is so important, but the only way you can effectively build is through proper communication. This is where your personality and abilities shine through.
The workshop is limited to 40 participants!
During this workshop our speakers will cover the following:
-Longevity in coaching
-Building relationships in your coaching and non-coaching role
-First impressions
-How to serve your head coach in the most effective way.
-How to stay in contact with coaches effectively
And more!
Cost: $40 - includes breakfast and lunch!
I truly believe that you could benefit from this workshop! Check out the attached flyer and visithttp://alwaysbecontagious.com/moving-up/ for more information and contact me to register at hplanells@duaa.duke.edu or give me a call at 919-972-9207
Thanks so much and hope to see you there!.