If you have attended one of our workshops or a recent PGC clinic you have heard us talk about #JUICE (Just Understand… Its Crazy Energy!) JUICE folders have a variety of articles that motivates us to attack the day! In a world where we demand Juice/Energy from our players its always important for us to get it from somewhere and these articles below are our most recent additions! Feel free to share with anyone and everyone – they all have a different value and some will speak to you more than others! Don’t forget to send us a message here and please include your contact information so we can get back to you!
What Marriage Is Really Like Scary Mommy
I Hit Rock Bottom 5 Years Ago and Then I Became the Happiest Man Ever
Why Dave Pilipovich's job at Air Force is the toughest in Division I basketball
Secret to Seahawks' strong finishes? Science, planning and hint of mystery
Turn Cooperation Into Collaboration - HBR Video
Mark Richt's famous last words at UGA: "Life is about people, not rings. Rings collect dust"
Everything I Know About Management I Learned in Kindergarten
6 Ways to Awaken the Giant in Your Workforce
Navy SEALs Have a '40 Percent Rule' and It's the Key to Overcoming Mental Barriers
Fact: 99 percent of people who start marathons finish them.
Tony Robbins | Mind and Spirit | What makes a great coach?
I Hit Rock Bottom 5 Years Ago and Then I Became the Happiest Man Ever
Ex-Houston coach Levine: How I spent a year away from football
Now more than ever, coaches vulnerable when team fails | NBA.com