JUICE #5 Newsletter - Tony Robbins, Millennials, Pure Sweat podcast & more!

Hi everyone! It has been a while since Ive gotten a update out but here is your #JUICEabc articles for November!  Season is right around the corner and absolutely excited to see what is in store for our program!  This month’s articles are amazing – we have tips on becoming a morning person, working with millennials and more lessons on leadership!  We are all on this never ending quest to be better and I hope all of these articles can help…

Think about this…

I am a big Tony Robbins fan and his content is powerful… make sure to watch “Im not your guru” on Netflix when you have some time!  I had a chance to catch Robbins on a Inside Quest video on youtube and as always it as fantastic… a few things he said really resonated with me and I want to share them with you.

“empower people in your path”

“Add more value than anyone else in your industry and then money wont become an issue”

“Success leaves clues – pay attention”

“Everything we do externally starts with internally”

If your interested in watching the whole episode visit Tony Robbins on the Science of Achievement - Inside Quest

Social Media

Don’t forget to follow us on our ABC twitterHERE and Instagram HERE

If you do post one of the JUICE articles I ask to please include the hashtags #alwaysbecontagious or #JUICEabc

PURE SWEAT podcast

Was blessed to sit with Alan Stein on the Pure Sweat basketball podcast – touched on a variety of topics from recruiting, culture, practice and my divorce.  Click here to listen!

ABC Workshops

In 5 years close to 50% of the workforce will be millennials but right now 100% of our student athletes are millennials.  We must learn and embrace this so we can be effective eladers and communicators for them!  Scroll down on #JUICE for more articles on millennials!  We have expanded our ALWAYS workshops for businesses, sports teams and individuals – September has been packed!  Click here to learn more and how we can help you!

Why are you getting this?!

If you have attended one of our ABC workshops or a recent PGC clinic you have heard us talk about #JUICE (Just Understand… Its Crazy Energy!)  JUICE folders have a variety of articles that motivates us to attack the day!  In a world where we demand Juice/Energy from our players and people around us its always important for us to get it from somewhere and these articles below are our most recent additions!  Feel free to share with anyone and everyone – they all have a different value and some will speak to you more than others!  Don’t forget to send us a message here and please include your contact information so we can get back to you!

Final thoughts

As you go thru the week – think about what you can do for the person next to you…  your impact can be out of this world!  Please share this newsletter with as many people as you can! 

 JUICE articles

Second guessing and fatherhood - the perfect combination

#everydayisafriday – everyday is an opportunity to take steps to the life you want


The Millennials are coming… wait… they are already here!

How to Make Your Instagram Account Impressive

Leadership Lessons from the Presidential Election

Bossy vs. Buddy: Two Leadership Styles, Each With Its Place

A Lesson in Leadership: 2 Football Coaches, 2 Players' Mistakes, and 2 Very Different Reactions

Coaching Compass: Do you have ownership in the organization?


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